Testimonial E-Mail for HORSE  PAL®
from Kris, south east Virginia, USA

E-mail header from Kris

Message: Ok, I admit it, I was pretty irritated with my husband when he bought the trap, put it on the credit card too. After shipping it came to over $300. Seriously, who has that kind of money for a fly trap - not me??!!! If you ever been to my house (I know you haven't but theoretically) you know that the flies are pretty bad this time of year. I live in south east Virginia surrounded by woods and water. I mostly got deer flies and green heads and some horse flies. The green heads are especially vicious this years and in numbers I have never seen before. All that water surrounding us combined with the cold winter - they are hungry for blood I guess. 2015 has been the worst fly year in the past 10 years, since we been here. It was so bad that even the dogs did not want to go outside because they got mugged by green heads, horses had to been in the barn by 5:30 am and not out before complete dark, otherwise they would run them self almost to death trying to get away. Today, after 2 1/2 days having the trap up (which is about 1/4 full already) I was able to walk down the drive way, at 3 pm, in full sunshine, and not have a single fly come at me or the dogs. If you have biting flies, like deer flies, green heads or horse flies, you need this. It is worth every penny. Thank you, one of the best things we ever bought.

From: Kris (xxxxxxx@xxx.net)

Location: south east Virginia 23061

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